Regression game for Arthur Smith and Desmond Ridder as the Falcons lose 24-16

Regression game for Arthur Smith and Desmond Ridder as the Falcons lose 24-16

Man there’s no way I thought the Atlanta Falcons would lose to the Washington Commanders in the manner they did yesterday.  Let’s just get right to the points of the game


1. Desmond Ridder - The play by our young QB was bad today.  Yes Desmond Ridder had 307 yards passing off 47 attempts and 2 td’s, but he also had 3 momentum killing interceptions today.  I’m not sure he is getting the coaching to read the defense pre snap.  On his intercepted passes threw to the wrong side of the field because he couldn’t read what the commander’s defensive scheme was pre snap.  On the second interception Ridder threw the ball to the 3 wr bunch when he should have went to the opposite side were one corner and one safety was on an island.  On that play they ran a crossing route and Drake London was buck naked wide open and Ridder never looked his way.  He panicked and threw into the teeth of the defense and it was picked off.  

He over threw Jefferson on the go route that would have been a TD and also missed Mack hollins when he was wide open.  The wheel route to Bijan was such a bad pass also and that was a great play-call by Arthur smith to get Bijan in motion and isolated on a lb with space.  If ridder had any type of touch that would have been an EASY touchdown imo!  So that play and other play calls looked good to me, but the execution was horrendous by Ridder thus stalling out our offense throughout the game!  Speaking of playcalling let’s get to our next point in the game!

2. Arthur Smith - his ability or lack there of to coach Ridder up will ultimately be the reason he is possibly fired.  That and his horrible situational playcalling or time management will get him fired also.  Why are we on the goal line and going 5 wide again in back to back seasons against the commanders and we lost last year and we lost again!  Doing the same thing an expected a different outcome is the definition of stubbornness!  Why did you draft Allgeiers, Bijan, Or have CP84 on this team if you don’t put the ball in their hands on the goal line in the run game?!?!?!!!!  What kind of sense does that make?  It makes zero sense tbh!  

Yea I know the commanders was playing pretty stout on defense verse the run today but surely we can get 2 yards with 4 downs with our tandem of rb’s?!?!?!  Surely we could, but so was not the case because our coach had to outsmart himself! Did he outsmart himself or is he just a bad offensive coach?  I’m conflicted because I see plays that should work but the execution by the QB isn’t there, but I also see the boneheaded situational playcalling that negates the other good play calls he has during the game!  Are we as a coaching staff making sure we have a script of play ready for the offense to run to look efficient?  It didn’t seem like it.  We spoke the ball on 2nd down instead of the prior play when we got the first down and then we don’t get the play call in and have to burn a time out?  Are we running a clown show or a football team?  That should never be a problem, but those are signs of a poor coaching imo.  Proper planning prevents piss poor performance should be any coaches model.  

3. The defense played out of their minds today!  The interceptions and the 4 and 3 play call in the middle of the field gave the commanders several short fields that they scored on today, but the defense played outstanding imo!  The defense racked up 5 sacks which was a season high for a game!  They was flying to the ball and in the fourth quarter they stopped the commanders and gave the offense three chance chances to score and comeback in the game!  Matter of fact this defense is a legit top ten defense imo, but it’s sad that our offense is letting them down and cannot score enough to win the game!  

Needless to say this upcoming game vs the Tampa Bay Buccaneers is a must win since it’s a division game and the winner will be first place in the NFC south!  So what do you guys think of this week’s game?  Do you think it was Ridder fault or do you think it’s Coach Smith fault we lost or do you think it’s a combination of both coach and QB?  Please leave a comment below and thank you for reading this blog:  

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