Hawks organization are going to HAWK

Hawks organization are going to HAWK

Hey Larry what do you mean? 

"Hawks are going to Hawk".


I mean the organization i've rooted for my entire life have always screwed up and mismanaged player situations in the past and the recent rumors of the GREEN LIGHT being given for the GM to explore trade options for Atlanta Hawks Star PG Trae Young is another example of "Hawks are going to Hawk"!  They are prone to do something as stupid to trade the best player since Dominique Wilkens wore a hawks jersey! (they traded Wilkens in his prime)  The worst part about it is you let that news get out in the media a day of the PLAY IN tournament starts!  Talk about being a dumb organization why would you mention this or even talk about this before your season ends? 

Second of all why would you say this the day of the PLAY IN game?  So you want an active distraction to your best player during a single elimination situation?  Yea I know if the hawks lose they have another chance to make the playoff's, but they won't have another chance to be the 7 seed in the playoffs.  Why would you plant the seed of doubt in Trae when we are trying to get to the playoffs?  If the situation with Trae Young is so bad that no player or coaches want him on this team then WHY EVEN SUIT HIM UP AGAINST THE HEAT?  The only reason you would have to trade Trae Young is because he is not coachable and a horrible teammate on the court.  If you feel that way in your heart of heart as an organization then you need to shut him down right now and start the trade process right now.


If you're going to Hawk then go overboard and fully HAWK IT UP!  You already started to roll that ball down the hill.  Trae young today responded to the rumors as quote

" They could or could not be true.  I really don't know." end quote.

Oh well it was fun while we had him, but "Hawks are going to hawk"!  As an organization you do not alienate YOUR BEST PLAYER the day of a post season game!  They need to be focused on the task at hand, but I think this could get Trae to shut down.  Another 5-10 year rebuild on the way!  Hurray..............................

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