NBA 2023 playoffs Game 2 Does Trae Talent Outweighs his low basketball IQ?

NBA 2023 playoffs Game 2 Does Trae Talent Outweighs his low basketball IQ?

After the Atlanta Hawks suffer another blowout on the road to the Celtic's there's something on my mind that I have to say.  I have to admit that Trae Young offensive talent is no longer greater than his low basketball IQ!  It used to be we know Trae are going to take some boneheaded shots, but he would make it up offensively with his passing and scoring, but so is not the case in back to back playoffs births!  Speaking of births, I’m not a throw the baby out with the bath water type of fan, but at this point this will be year 5 of Trae Young career and his B-ball IQ is still the same since he came into the NBA. 🤦🏽‍♂️ That’s not a coaching problem tbh at this point with two coaching changes while Trae has been a part of this roster. That is a Trae Young problem now and it's up to him to ultimately get better.  I’m still hoping on blind hope that a light will turn on for Trae, but I’m wondering if he has reached his peak and if a person shows you who he is YOU BELIEVE THEM!  Trae Young is a 2nd option on a true contender, but unfortunate for the Hawks Organization need him to be a 1st option, but he is starting to show in back to back playoff runs he is a 2nd option.

JC and Capela were equally bad also, but they aren’t as talented as Trae. Actually JC was useless tonight. He couldn’t hit anything. 2-11 fg% and 1-7 3% Clint wasn’t much better with only 7 rebounds and 4 points. I’m more worried about Clint rebounding than his points. The Celtics are a great against the lob pass defensive team so Clint will be limited in scoring. Great games by Dejounte scoring 29 points 6 rebounds 6 assists. He was the best player on the court tonight with almost single handedly bringing us back to ten points.

Bogi also had a great game as he had 18 off of 7-11 fg% and 4-7 from 3%. Okongwu was good with 8 points and 9 rebounds. DeAndre hunter had a good first half and bad second half but was the best rebounder on the team tonight with 12 rebounds! That sounds like a career high for Dre without looking it up. Dre just like trae needs to stop settling for bad jumpers and attack the basket.

Overall the Celtics are just better than the Hawks, but they say a playoff series hasn’t really started until a home team loses a home game. The Most important game of the season is on Friday at State Farm Arena as the Atlanta Hawks have to win this game to not go down 0-3 in the series! Let’s go Hawks might turn into let’s go to Cancun if they lose the next game in this series!

We will see…….. signed concerned Hawks Fan! 


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